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Calendars to control parameters due to Bank holidays and Daily work hours
Calendars to control parameters due to Bank holidays and Daily work hours
Camilla Ahgren avatar
Written by Camilla Ahgren
Updated over a week ago

In the calendar tab in Administration, it is possible to control bank holidays depending on the country where the consultant is operating. Bank holidays are the same as a day off when it is not Saturday or Sunday.

It is also possible to control and adjust the number of work hours per day suitable for that calendar. The number of work hours per day will determine a full working day, the parameter to define a 100% utilization rate that day for an employee with a 100% employment rate and 100% team availability.

Bank holidays, other deviations and work hours per day are essential parameters to consider when calculating utilization rates, order values, and revenue forecast

For example, when calculating the utilization rate due to a fixed-hour project (set in the role interface), Cinode will equally divide the number of hours

When the utilization rate is calculated based on a fixed-time project, ie a fixed number of hours specified in the role interface, the number of hours is shared throughout the role interval.

The same applies to a fixed-price project. In this case, Cinode calculates the number of working days and divides the calculated value of the role by the number of working days. In this way, income per day is calculated.

Example when calculating utilization:

Workday = 8 hours per day due to Calendar setting

Fixed project = 40 hours

Date interval = 14 days

Amount of workdays = 10

Daily work hours for this role will be 4 hours a day (40 hours/10days)

If a fulltime day is 8 hours, Cinode will calculate a utilization rate of 50 % for a consultant with a 100% employment rate and 100% team availability.

(4 hours / 8 hours = 0.5)

Example of the calculation of the revenue report and the calculated order value:

When a project value is calculated due to an extent in percent and an hourly rate of the role, the revenue report will take the number of work hours per day and the number of working days in consideration when calculating the revenue report.

Workday = 8 hours per day due to Calendar setting

Extent of role = 100%

Hourly rate = 100 EURO

Date interval = 14 days with no Bank holidays

Amount of workdays = 10

Amount of work hours = 80 hours (8 hours * 10 days)

Revenue = 8 000 EURO (80 hours * 100 EURO)

If a bank holiday occurs during the period, 8 hours * 100 EUROS will be deducted the calculated income.

How to create a Calendar:

  1. Go to the Administration > Calendar tab.

  2. To create a new Calendar, click the '+'

3. Add a name for your Calendar

4. Set Working hours per day

5. Select your Land Calendar including Bank holidays for your country

Here you can choose if this calendar should be your company's default but it can also be chosen afterwards.

When your Calendar is saved, it is possible to reopen the Calendar to edit.

6. To edit the Calendar by name or amount of working days, click 'edit'.

How to connect the Calendar to the Employee

  1. Go to Administration > User and Employee tab

  2. Click on the three dots and 'edit'

  3. Select the Calendar your company has created

How to add deviations to a calendar

If you click on the calendar you can add deviations. Deviations can for example be if all of the employees will attend a conference.

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