To be able to set permission levels for employees you will need the role/permission level 'Admin'.
To set permissions follow the steps:
1. Go to Administration > Users and the tab Employees
2. Click the pen symbol at the far right of the employee you wish to change/add permission for.
Bulk edit several users at the same time by checking the box and then clicking edit.
3. You can also choose what permission you wish to add for the employee by clicking on the pen.
Permissions roles - what are you able to do?
The user roles will determine your employee's level of access to the different modules that your company has access to as well as certain features of Cinode.
A user can have one role or a combination of several roles associated with them.
Roles are set by company admins under Administration > Users in the sidebar.
Below are the roles that determine permission levels. An employee must have a permission level to log in.
Note that changing the roles may affect the billing of your Cinode plan.
ADMIN: can access the Administration interface where you can, for instance, add employees, disconnect or remove employees, create teams, or manage pipelines. We recommend that Admin permissions should be restricted throughout the company since it grants a high level of insight into sensitive information such as employee salary (if these fields are in use).
MANAGER: includes all aspects of "USER" but will, in addition, grant the user access to Customers, Projects, and Planner and related reports such as the Project report. The Manager is able to edit profiles and create resumes for all employees.
If you are a Partner Manager and also need to announce roles to your external partner network, the Manager permission level is also required.
Important: If you have purchased our module Cinode Business, the Manager will enable Cinode Business for users with this permission level. Depending on our agreement, changing permission levels may be reflected in the billing of your license.
USER: manage your own Profile and create your own consultant profiles. You can also see Employees / Teams, and specific Reports and use the Search. The permission is necessary for users visible in the Forecast view. As a User you have access to the functions Profile, Resume, Organisation, Search, and Reports.
Important: If you have purchased our module Cinode Skills, User will enable Cinode Skills for users with this permission level. Depending on our agreement, changing permission levels may be reflected in the billing of your license.
RESTRICTED USER: grants the user access only to their own Profile and Resume.
Important: If you have purchased our module Cinode Skills, User will enable Cinode Skills for users with this permission level. Depending on our agreement, changing permission levels may be reflected in the billing of your license.
RECRUITER: has access to Recruitment (managing incoming candidates) and the related Funnel report for Recruitment.
Important: If you have purchased our module Cinode Recruiter, Company Recruiter will enable Cinode Recruiter for users with this permission level. Depending on our agreement, changing permission levels may be reflected in the billing of your license.
PARTNER MANAGER: has access to Partner in the sidebar which includes connecting to partners, seeing incoming and outgoing requests and managing your subcontractors and their profiles/resumes.
Important: If you have purchased our module Cinode Partner, Partner Manager will enable Cinode Partner for users with this permission level. Depending on our agreement, changing permission levels may be reflected in the billing of your license.