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General information, use cases, documentation & code examples

Ellen Rydberg avatar
Written by Ellen Rydberg
Updated over a week ago

The Cinode REST API (Application Programming Interface) allows your developers to use connect Cinode with other applications.

A few use cases include (but are not limited to):

  • Synchronising customer or project data in Cinode with CRM platforms

  • Creating dashboards on your intranet for visualising resource planning or sales data from Cinode

  • Synchronising external application forms on your website with Cinode

  • Create automatically generate reports from Cinode

  • Displaying employee skill sets on your website or selected employee data

  • Import employees from your ERP/HR platform into Cinode

  • Update employee data in Cinode when updates are made in your HR platform

Note: Your team and developers will need to build the actual integrations. Cinode does not build any integrations for customers.

Were you looking for ready-made integrations?

If you are interested in our selection ready-made integrations that are available as paid add-ons, please scroll down to the bottom of this article.

Get started with the Cinode API

1. First, contact our support team to have the API enabled for your company. You must be authorized within your company to make a request for the API to be enabled, since it is used to extract data from Cinode.

After you have received confirmation that the API has been enabled:

2. You will need to create an API account (AccessId and AccessSecret).

Start by logging into your Cinode account and expand the dropdown menu in the upper right corner of the app by clicking your name:

3. Select "My account":

4. Scroll down to the section "Api accounts" and click "+" (add):

5. Click the link "Cinode API Terms Of Service" and make sure that you have understood the terms of service for using the API.

6. Type in a name for this API account to proceed.

Note: Every request made to the API will be made in the context of the owner of the API account. This means that the user account of however is enabling the API will need the appropriate combination of roles (access level) in Cinode to use the API for the relevant use cases.

For instance, in order to use endpoints related to creating projects (which is a Talent Business feature), you will need to have purchased the module Talent Business as well as have the role "Manager" to use the relevant endpoints. Learn more about roles in Cinode here.

API-documentation (for developers)

The technical API documentation describes the endpoints and includes examples. It is written so that a developer will be able to interpret the API endpoints.

Link to the API documentation (for developers): API documentation

Code examples

To help you get started, we are providing you with code examples written in ASP.NET MVC Core (C#). The code examples are available here: API-example

Important notes

Not all functionality in Cinode has API endpoints so there are limitation on what data that can be transferred.

The Cinode REST API can be used free of charge for a limited number of API requests, but your company account will be billed should you surpass the maximum daily limit. Your company's administrators can view the daily number of requests and the rate limit inside the Administrations interface of Cinode.

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