Customer Contacts

What can I add to a customer contact.

Camilla Ahgren avatar
Written by Camilla Ahgren
Updated over a week ago

You can find your customer contacts at the customer card or in the customer contacts list.

In the contact list, you can use filters to sort out what to view on this list. You can change details, edit tags or move contacts to another customer by clicking the three dots of the customer and choosing your action.

Add or edit a customer contact

Click on + to add a customer contact


Change the details of a customer by clicking the three dots to the far right of the customer and then 'Edit', change the information, and 'Save'.

Click on a contact to view more details and add Events, Relations and Tags to the contact.

Edit tags to the contact by clicking the three dots to the far right of the customer, type your tag and click 'Save'

Import customer contact with email sync

You can import customer contacts from emails. By connecting your email to Cinode and specifying a customer's domain, you can easily import contacts with the "Import Customer Contact" option.

Start by checking the settings under "your account and synced accounts" so you have activated the ability to get access to customer contacts.

  1. Click on details to add domain

  2. When adding the domain click on "import contacts"

  3. Choose which contacts you want to import.

Move contacts

Move contacts from one customer to another customer by clicking the three dots on the far right of the customer and then 'Move', change the information, and 'Save'

Once the customer contact is moved, it will become inactive for the originating customer.

How to work with Events for customer contacts


You can set up relations between customer contacts and employees in your company to indicate in what way they know each other.

Simply click Relations to choose an employee and a relation.

How to work with Tags on customer tags

Use the tag filter to view certain customers. Click 'Export' to export details about these customers.

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