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Recruitment pipe history report
Recruitment pipe history report
Camilla Ahgren avatar
Written by Camilla Ahgren
Updated over 8 months ago

Pipe History Report for Recruitment

The Pipe History Report for Recruitment allows you to analyze the flow of candidates through your recruitment pipeline(s) over a specified period. Access the report via Reports > Recruitment.

The report can be used to analyze:

  • Bottlenecks: Identify stages in the process that cause delays and determine which stages need streamlining.

  • Process Efficiency: Assess how effectively candidates move through the process and identify areas for improvement.

  • Stage Duration: Measure the time candidates spend in each stage before progressing.

  • Candidate Outcomes: Track the number of candidates who are won or lost during a given period.

  • Recruitment Performance: Evaluate the efficiency of individual recruiters or teams in managing their candidates.

Filter Options

  • Pipe: Select the recruitment pipeline to analyze.

  • Period: Choose the start and end dates for the report.

  • Recruitment Responsible: Select the recruiter or team to analyze.

The report measures the movement of candidates from one stage to the next as a percentage. The calculation formula is:

Percentage=Number of candidates moved from stage 1 to stage 2Total number of candidates in stage 1 during a given period\text{Percentage} = \frac{\text{Number of candidates moved from stage 1 to stage 2}}{\text{Total number of candidates in stage 1 during a given period}}Percentage=Total number of candidates in stage 1 during a given periodNumber of candidates moved from stage 1 to stage 2​

To be included in the calculation, candidates must move one step at a time. Use the filters (Pipe, Period, and Recruitment Responsible) to customize the report. This allows for the analysis of different processes, timeframes, and recruitment managers.

Key Metrics Explained

1. New Candidates: The number of new candidates added to a stage.

2. Forward Movement Percentage: The percentage of candidates moving forward from the previous stage. Hover to see the numbers used in the calculation.

3. Stage Movements: The number of candidates added or moved to a stage, including forward, backward, or multi-stage moves. For example, moving a candidate from Interview to Screening increases the Screening count by one. Moving a candidate from Screening to Offer without intermediate stages increases the Offer count by one and does not affect the intermediate stage percentages.

4. Days in Stage: The number of days candidates spend in the previous stage.

5. Outcome Count: The number of candidates marked as Won (status Won) or Lost (status Rejected by Us or Rejected by Candidate) during the period.

Below the report, a list of included candidates is displayed. Note that the current status (as of today's date) is shown, which may differ from their status during the report period.

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