Please note that you need to have License Administrator permissions in order to configure Cinode. Read more here.
How to add an employee
Use one of following ways:
Use the quick add button in the right corner.
Click on Invite a colleague in the menu
Click on administration > user > +
Fill in the details and choose permission level.
See more about the details further down.
Note! When you add a new user you can choose to invite directly or if the person has not started yet you can choose to send an invite later.
About the details
First name - Can be changed by you or the Employee
Last name - Can be changed by you or the Employee
E-mail address - this is the user name in Cinode and can only be edited by you as an Administrator, the Employee is not able to change this information.
Title/Role - The title is shown in the Employee card in Organisation feature and on the Employee overview page
Phone - Can be changed by you or the Employee
Office location - Where the employee is located, the information is used in several of Cinode features and also a possible filter choice in many functions.
Employment date - The information is used in the report Company - Employment in the company
End date - Set an end date to the employment, to indicate the end date in the Planner views. Note that the status needs to be changed to Disconnect, to disconnect the Employee from your Company.
Employment number - Optional information to add in Cinode
Gender - The information is used in the report Company - Gender balance and for Upcoming birthdays. Can be changed by you or the Employee
Currency - The currency to use for the employee.
Status - read more about statuses here. Status Disconnected is used to disconnect employees from your company.
Date of birth - The information is used in the report Company - Age distribution. Can be changed by you or the Employee
Company Calendar - Set Calendar for the employee which means the parameters for bank holidays and working hours per day.
Bas salary - Optional information to add in Cinode
Tax table - Optional information to add in Cinode
Provision % - Optional information to add in Cinode
Invoicing target - Optional information to add in Cinode
Target rate/h - Is used in the function Planner - List to visualize and compare target rates for the employee to rates for roles within an assignment in the Talent Business module
Self cost/h - Is used to calculate margins within a role in the Talent Business module
Mobility (days per week) - Is shown as information in the Employee overview
Employment rate % - Important parameter to calculate utilization rates for the employee.
Available From date - Optional information to add in Cinode
Edit user details
How to change password
If you need to edit login credentials, please view our video clips by clicking here (link). The password can be changed by you as an administrator or by the employee by using the forgot password on the login page. The password must contain at least five characters.
If clicking the box "The user must change the password at login", the user will decide on a new password at the next login.