Growth Plan

Add a growth plan. Here you can showcase your ambitions, set and track your goals.

Rania Haddad avatar
Written by Rania Haddad
Updated over a week ago

"Where do you envision your professional journey leading you in the next one to two years? What objectives and aspirations do you have?

Cinode's Growth Plan feature is designed for both consultants and managers. As a consultant, you can articulate your career ambitions, establish and monitor your skills. These insights can then serve as a foundation for your self-development strategy and facilitate meaningful discussions with your manager or team leader.

For managers, this tool offers a comprehensive view of your team members' growth plans. It enables you to understand their career aspirations and support their skills development in alignment with organizational goals.

You have the flexibility to create multiple growth plans. For instance, one could focus on objectives pertinent to your current role, while another might concentrate on personal development.

To explore the various components and specifics of your growth plan, simply click on "growth plan".

Under Growth Plan you have two tabs:

  • See your own growth plan

  • See growth plans that are accessible to you

Create your growth plan

1. Go to your profile

2. Click on the tab 'Growth plans'

3. Click on the green button 'Add growth plan' if it is your first Growth plan otherwise click on +.

4. Fill in the details:

  • Select a title

  • End date

  • Accessible to (optional) - add one or several persons that you want to give access to for making sure that the goal is completed.

The only people that can view and edit these plans are yourself and the persons that you have given access.

5. Click on 'Add a skill goal' or 'Add from skill set' to further specify the skills that you want to attain.

If you choose 'add from skill set' you can add skill goals by choosing skills from your company's defined skill sets or you can set a goal for a new skill or for any of your existing skills by pressing 'add a skill goal.

5.1 Select a skill that you want to improve or attain. For example 'Project Manager'. (Once you've added a skill/set of skills you will see your current level listed in the growth plan)

5.2 Set an end date.

5.3 Select a target level

5.4 Optional: Add a note

6. Once you've added a skill, you can add more by clicking on the green button next to 'Skill goals' +. In your growth plan overview, you will be able to edit/remove skill goals.

  • Click on the three dots on the top right (next to the skills) to edit or remove a skill goal.

Do you want to add a goal that is not related to a particular skill?

7. Add 'Other goals" by clicking on 'Add a goal'. Other goals can, for example, be goals related to your self-development.

7.1 Add a title (for example Mentorship course), goal date, status, and a note - click 'add'

'Other goals' will appear in your growth plan as a to-do list. Each goal status can be upgraded as you go; 'In progress' or 'Done'.

8. Lastly, add a note to your growth plan. Here you can specify your strategy moving forward when you plan on completing the actions specified in your growth plan.

If you've given access to a colleague/manager/team manager, you can specify who's responsible for what, and what kind of support you need in order to reach your goals.

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